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Online Reputation Management

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What is Online Reputation Management?

Online Reputation Management (ORM), to put it simply, combines traditional marketing, public relations, and search engine marketing. It involves controlling search engine results to protect your company’s brand reputation from unfavorable online exposure. You will learn how to manage customer reviews in the ORM module and persuade satisfied customers to leave more complimentary evaluations. While social media automation makes use of automated systems to schedule postings in advance.



Why is ORM important in digital marketing?

An ORM platform will keep threats and negative actions against your brand name under good control. By using ORM solutions, you may improve your social presence, and customer service, and even increase sales while preventing your brand from being tarnished by unfavorable remarks. Businesses may create and maintain a positive online brand image with the help of ORM in digital marketing. Any negative criticism of your reputation is simply deflected and diminished in importance. If any of your private data is exposed online, ORM assists in removing it from searchable public databases, also referred to as "people search" databases.

What are the important elements Online Reputation Management?

a. The reputation management phase b. The recovery phase c. Monitoring and controlling phase d. Negative reviews. e. Rival brands spreading misinformation. f. Unsatisfied customers posting their issues. g. Disgruntled employee complaints. h. Angry emojis. i. Look for Review sites

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