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Media Buying and Planning

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What is media buying and planning?

The primary purpose of media buying and planning  is to guarantee the time and space needed for advertisement. To order to optimize the effectiveness of your ad campaign also involves monitoring ad performance and modifying the approach as necessary. This requires considerable negotiation and planning to order to make the most of your advertising budget. Media planning concentrates on the campaign’s strategy, as opposed to media buying, which focuses on obtaining the most impressions from the right audience at the lowest cost. You decide which medium will best reach a specific audience during the planning stage. Successful media planning includes using advertising to grow the company’s clientele, boost its market share, increase consumer brand recognition, and build a strong reputation. Planning enables the easy and cost-effective achievement of the brand and objectives by identifying all crucial spots for promotional activities.




Why is media buying and planning required in Digital marketing?

Media planning is important in the competitive and hectic marketing environment of today. To see engagements, marketers must provide the appropriate message to customers at the appropriate moment via the appropriate channel. Marketers decide what these "rights" are during the media planning process. Why is digital media planning important? To develop integrated advertising campaigns across many social media platforms and websites, many marketers employ digital media planning approaches. This enables them to strategically curate their material, which can improve the perception of their brand.

What are the important elements ?

a. Media mix b. Target market c. Targeting d. Environmental scan, e. Understanding the audience, f. Determination of content, g. Avoid ad frauds h. Mission i. protect your brand

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