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Drip Marketing

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What is Drip marketing?

Drip marketing is the process of automatically sending a specific number of emails to your audience at predetermined intervals in response to their activities or status changes. Following significant events or acts, businesses utilize drip marketing to stay in touch with their audience in a tailored and focused manner. drip marketing refers to sending a series of emails gradually and steadily. It might be 2, 5, or whatever you determine is the ideal amount of emails to exchange on a specific subject without going overboard. You compose the emails once for each campaign—like an abandoned cart drip campaign—and then use automation to personalize and send them. Your drip marketing programs are automatically carried out after they are set up.


Why is drip marketing required in digital marketing?

In turning visitors into customers, creating recurring business, and re-engaging a dormant audience, It can assist you in increasing sales. You can build a connection with your audience and show that you& are an excellent resource for their needs by explaining the value your firm offers. The use of drip marketing is now necessary and its  a collection of promotional emails is sent out at predetermined intervals to prospective leads to keep them informed. It’s aids in the long-term nurturing of leads and the eventual growth of sales possibilities.

What are the important elements?

a. Identify your Audience b. Construct your Email c. Set a Plan d. Promotional e. Competitive f. Identify your target audience g. Spam h. Size i. Re-engagement

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